Retreat with Master Pranava

Dates of the retreat
26 -
Thailand, Krabi
Don't look for spiritual games, texts, magicians, substances or practices.. look for a ‘door’ filled with Light - the genuine Master..

and remember..
The only sign of the Divine Avatar is the numerous Miraculous Healings of mind and body happening in His Presence.. His eyes and body are оverflowing with Divine Healing Liberating Light. His Essence is true, comprehensive, endless Love, because He is the God

Light of Supreme Grace

About retreat

The retreat "TOUCH OF THE TRUTH" is a unique opportunity to calm the mind, purify and heal the body at all levels, dissolve karmic blocks, deeply realize the Truth and get Liberated.
The Guru Gives actual Spiritual Liberation. In the presence of Master everyone receives the Gift of purification and healing at all levels in shared Samadhi meditations, as well as the opportunity to deeply Realize the Truth in Direct Self Recognition.

In the presence of Master, the mind calms down, immersing in the deepest transcendental Experience of Reality Awareness. By the Light of Supreme Grace, all bodies, including the physical, are purified and healed.

The energy potential of the body is restored, karma is dissolved and the mind returns to its original state - the purified mind (MIND).

By touching the Light of Supreme Grace, the ego disappears. The Light descends on you, dissolving everything false, including karmic distortions in the body to complete Purity, each time revealing the Truth to you more deeply.

In Direct Touch, the One Consciousness is unveiled, releasing from suffering, and Granting Liberation.

Light of Supreme Grace
«All you can do to help the world is to calm your mind..»
Watch the video about the Master
In the presence of Master the mind becomes silent, that opens up the possibility for the deepest spiritual transcendental Experience - Samadhi to happen.

By touching the Light of Supreme Grace in meditation with the Master the original - energetically healthy state of the body is restored, karma is dissolved and the mind is brought back to the state of purified mind (MIND), the ego is eliminated. The Divine Light descends on you in meditation, dissolving all distortions in the body and consciousness to complete purity, every time bringing you closer to Liberation.

In the presence of Master, the ego is eliminated, that gives you an opportunity to realize One consciousness, while the dualistic consciousness disappears.
The merge with the Source has opened in Guru the Life-giving power of Love of such Power that when you look into His eyes, you get a genuine Experience of Direct Self Recognition. Thus you will reveal the Presence of God in Yourself, and His Purity.. You will reveal Love.. You will realize Your True Self..

With a powerful Life-giving force, karma is dissolved and all bodies are healed every time you contact the Guru.

The Light of Supreme Grace Gives everyone the opportunity to receive the deepest purifying, healing and transforming Samadhi meditation in the presence of Guru.
Ramana Maharshi
«The wise honor the Pure-Hearted one and say with admiration: "This is God in human form"..»
The Light of Supreme Grace (the name of God) is manifested in the body of the Master. As a result of many years of being in monastic seclusion, the Guru's heart has merged with the Divine Source, and has became the Love Itself.

The transformation that took place has also touched the Guru's body, showing the Highest level - the Realization of the "Rainbow Body", which was suspended due to deep awareness. Compassion, as the highest act of Love for the benefit of everyone, has saved the body of the Most Serene, revealing an opportunity for all seekers to touch the Truth right now..

About the Master

If you are ready to open your Heart and discover the Truth, the Guru is here..
the Master

from participants of past retreats



«Words cannot describe this experience, which was just gifted..»

«Great changes that turned everything upside down happened at first retreat. The deepest knowledge of my true nature, the experience of awakening and seeing with the eyes of truth - all that was revealed. That was what the Master calls "unsteady awakening". It was realized and seen in my experience that there is nothing but One... It shook me to the depths of my Heart... since then the old me was gone…It was beyond any words, words cannot describe that experience, which was just gifted...»

«In one moment the knowledge comes and you have no other way than to follow it..»

«..the first meeting with the Master..It was a satsang before the retreat, which I wasn't even going to take. Then for the first time I saw how the world seemed to fall apart into pixels and the surrealism of everything happening around was realised. Nothing matters. All experiences in the head are utter stupidity, because they are only in the head. And what is really important is only happiness, joy and silent peace of mind, which is clearly perceived in the presence of the Master... Deep awakening and consolidation in reality happened after six months, after three more retreats».

«Finally, the spiritual search stops and this is the freedom from finding yourself..»

«The figurative"path" from head to heart lies through silence. Every retreat is a touch of silence. It is the quieting of a sandstorm of thoughts in the head. And in the presence of the Master with all the conditions that are created at the retreat, this happens very carefully. At first, this external silence is frightening. Fears, doubts, boredom, loneliness come out. But with a deeper dive into the retreat comes the humility and silence prevailed very natural. All the worries about the past and future go away. Joy and happiness are revealed, which don't depend on anything, but in fact they simply are. It is realized, that this calm state of mind has always been here, but due to distracting experiences, it was not noticed. And this cannot even be called a state of mind. This is what is free from all experiences both pleasure or unpleasure. And after the retreat, the evolution of silence continues. The support of the Master is felt constantly. This is an internal equilibrium like transparency spreads throughout the universe and for the first time it is realized who actually lives. Finally, the spiritual search stops and this is the freedom from finding yourself. And it is understood that it cannot be achieved. Thanks to staying with the Master, everything is revealed without any effort».

«For the first time there was silence in my head for 2 hours»

«Life BEFORE: moving from city to city, searching for myself by means of studies and trainings, changing jobs and people, but in fact everything remained the same. What I was running from has always caught me up. I was tormented by thoughts about the past and the future, worries, tensions, fears: this noise in my head has never stopped. But for the first time, sitting in front of the Master, there was silence in my head for 2 hours. I felt that all the people in the hall are the one, that my body has no boundaries at all. Every word the Master said got straight into my heart, as if I had always known this truth. It was so calm and joyful, as if I got home. And at that moment an expansion in the chest appeared, the heart rejoiced, the very true Love to everything that I saw was unveiled.. To this day, the presence of the Master reveals miracles».

«The knowledge has entered my body with light and dissolved all ailments..»

«The time before meeting the Master was very difficult. I just left my husband, moved to the Crimea with my children and had no means of livelihood at all. The budget was so tight that I had to give my earrings to a pawnshop to refuel the car and get to the Master’ house.
I started to share my financial and other troubles with him, there were a lot of them.
Then the Master said a phrase that was deeply perceived and etched into my memory like thunder. He just said, "Don't think about it!". To this day, when thoughts begin to overcome, these words by his voice bring me back to reality. They had such power that everything was instantly released and in a short time the situation improved. And after that, many more miracles were revealed. Here, for example, is one case of healing. It so happened that I fell down and got the shoulder joint ligament rapture. Doctors predicted me to walk for six months with a bandage. At the satsang in the presence of Master I was told and realized something that I had not want to hear before. Knowledge entered the body with light and dissolved all the ailments. A week later, I took off the bandage and forgot about the injury that had happened. Every day I thank, thank, thank and love everything what happens!»

«Meeting the Master is the Greatest Gift and True Liberation»

«Earlier in my life, there was always lack of something. Money, love, recognition... And even when this something seemed to be achieved, the happiness was not there…There was no joy inside. Besides, I was constantly suffering from anxiety for different situations, guilt, irritation with people I loved... an obsessive voice in my head that was stealing my peace. Even before the first retreat, during online meeting with the Master, an incredible peace was experienced... silence that filled my whole body ... and thoughts were completely dissolved…I remembered that this feeling had appeared long time ago in my childhood, but then it was forgotten. Thanks to the Master, I realized that I am not thoughts in my head... and not a body… I am what the whole world arises from…Unconditional Love and Purity... when everything is One. I can say that meeting the Master is the Greatest Gift and True Liberation... words cannot describe it».

«This gift cannot be measured - liberation is beyond any dimensions..»

«Since childhood, I have been haunted by the feeling that something is wrong with the values in society. Everyone was convincing me that I had to become different and achieve something in the world in order to become happy. However, I didn’t see this happiness in others. 
Later, there was a number of experiences of that lost happiness, and the search began in bodily practices, substances, places of power, religions. However, addictions, burden and guilt were found every time, and, the result was a return to routine suffering.
When meeting with the Master, an unknown depth of awareness of my true nature - the source of that happiness - was revealed. The search stopped, the heart began to open. Numerous powerful transformations were happening effortlessly. The mind and body started to get purified - concepts, ideas, resistances were melting away. Acceptance of everything and everyone, endless care of the universe, deep peace and quiet joy in humbleness and surrender to the Master, surrender to the Divine, began to reveal themselves.
Each retreat raises deeper layers of the delusions of the sleeping consciousness, which are purified by the Light of Supreme Grace. Being in pure awareness becomes more and more nature.
This gift cannot be measured - liberation is beyond any dimensions».

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Retreat Schedule

Morning meditation with the Master
Organic vegetarian breakfast
Free time: rest, meditative walk, individual meditation
Satsang with the Master
Light dinner of fruits, nuts, coconuts
Evening meditation with the Master
Shared Meditation with the Master gives you the opportunity to take the deepest purifying, healing, transforming Samadhi meditation, to go deep into samadhi, when the mind is stopped. Thus the Light of Supreme Grace purify and heals all bodies, including the physical one.

This is an opportunity to dissolve karma and bring the mind back to a state of purified MIND..
As in the presence of the Master, the Healing Light descends on you, dissolving all distortions to complete Purity, bringing Liberation closer.

" When you are ready to Awaken, it will lead you to the Light, and then you will allow Me to Heal you, because the Birth of Eternity occurs only when a mortal character disappears by touching the Light of Truth".

Pranava (The Light of Supreme Grace)

Satsang - translated from Sanskrit means ‘meeting in Truth’.
All your questions will be answered at satsangs with the Master.. for..
As a result of many years of being in monastic seclusion, the Guru's heart merged with the Divine Source, becoming the Love Itself.

The Merge has revealed the Life-Giving Power of Love, and when you look into His eyes, you will get a genuine Experience of Direct Self Recognition, you will reveal the presence of God in Yourself, His Purity.. You Will reveal Love..


The One Who Has Seen Me Has Seen The Truth..

Darshan (Skt. दर्शन) - contemplation, vision of God through a Murti, Guru or Saint. To get the darshan from the Deity is the goal of any pilgrim..
Shared Meditation with the Master gives you the opportunity to take the deepest purifying, healing, transforming Samadhi meditation, to go deep into samadhi, when the mind is stopped. Thus the Light of Supreme Grace purify and heals all bodies, including the physical one.

This is an opportunity to dissolve karma and bring the mind back to a state of purified MIND..
As in the presence of the Master, the Healing Light descends on you, dissolving all distortions to complete Purity, bringing Liberation closer.
" When you are ready to Awaken, it will lead you to the Light, and then you will allow Me to Heal you, because the Birth of Eternity occurs only when a mortal character disappears by touching the Light of Truth".
Pranava (The Light of Supreme Grace)

Satsang - translated from Sanskrit means ‘meeting in Truth’.
All your questions will be answered at satsangs with the Master.. for..
As a result of many years of being in monastic seclusion, the Guru's heart merged with the Divine Source, becoming the Love Itself.

The Merge has revealed the Life-Giving Power of Love, and when you look into His eyes, you will get a genuine Experience of Direct Self Recognition, you will reveal the presence of God in Yourself, His Purity.. You Will reveal Love..
The One Who Has Seen Me Has Seen The Truth..

Darshan (Skt. दर्शन) - contemplation, vision of God through a Murti, Guru or Saint. To get the darshan from the Deity is the goal of any pilgrim..

Location of the retreat

Thailand, Krabi, Diamond Beach Resort Nammao Krabi, near Ao Nam Mao beach.

2-bed accommodation in separate wooden houses, or rooms in the main building.
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